Serving at Worship
Sunday Liturgy Ministries
The word liturgy comes from a Greek word that means, “the work of the people.” By taking an active role in the Sunday worship services, we are able to lead the parish in the worship and praise of God. Both youth and adults can take an active roles in leading the liturgy by serving as acolytes, crucifer (cross bearer), and MC (Master of Ceremonies). The chalice bearer helps administer Communion during the Eucharist. Lectors read the first and second lessons as well as the Prayers of the People. Ushers and Greeters provide a friendly face to everyone who enters.
Zion’s choir is a group of dedicated people who love music and singing and who want to serve God by using the talents God has given them. Music is a vital part of our liturgy and elevates our worship to the sublime.
During the months of September through June, the choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 8pm and again on Sunday mornings at 10am.
Alter Guild
The Altar Guild prepares and maintains the materials elements for all of the worship services that take place in the church. They set up for Holy Communion, prepare for weddings, funerals, baptisms, and clean up after services. Decorating for the Easter and Christmas seasons are joyful reflections of their efforts.
Through our service, the Altar Guild aspires to elevate our worship. By the care and handling of holy elements, we hope to bring us all closer to God.