“We think that we spend our money on things that are important to us. But Jesus said, ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ In other words, Jesus says that spending money on something makes it important to us. Put your money where you’d like your heart to be, and your heart will move there.” – The Rev. Jerry Keucher, Remember the Future
What does the annual Stewardship Campaign support?
The Stewardship Campaign accounts for over a third of the current year’s operating budget (the rest comes from the renting of our space and income from our endowment). Therefore, the Stewardship Campaign supports a little bit of everything – be it the maintenance of our historic building and churchyard, our music program, faith formation for children, families, and adults, and serving our community.
What do you mean when you say “make a pledge”?
A pledge is a written declaration of intention to donate a specific amount of money over a certain length of time. When making a pledge to the Stewardship Campaign you are making a pledge for the current year with the intention of paying your pledge in full by December 31.
How do I make a pledge?
You can make a pledge by filling out a pledge card, available at the back of the church each Sunday and mailed in October, and bring it to church on Stewardship Sunday Nov. 3 (or mail it to the church: 243-01 Northern Blvd., Douglaston, NY 11363).
How do I pay my pledge?
Some people prefer to pay their pledge all at once while others prefer to pay their pledge incrementally. One can also set up a reoccurring payment so that each month a predetermined amount is processed via credit card or checking account. Click here to set up online giving.
Is my pledge binding?
While your pledge is not legally binding, we ask that you only pledge an amount that you are comfortable donating. Of course, we all understand that sometimes life happens and should a situation arise that requires you to adjust the amount you initially pledged, please contact Kay MacDermott.
Is pledging just another word for tithing?
Yes and no. Tithing is a biblical principle from the Old Testament that reference the Israelites giving 10% of the crops they grew and the livestock they raised to the temple. In that spirit, a pledge comes from a proportion of your income that you feel God calling your to give – whatever that might be! – and do so each year. All we ask is that when thinking about how much to donate to Zion you consider first all the things you have been given – including not only your material blessing but also the things that aren’t so easy to count, like your friendships, your family, and your talent – and from there give in proportion to the gifts you have received.
What is the significance of December 31?
Zion operates on a January 1 to December 31 fiscal year. Our budget needs to be balanced by fiscal year’s end; therefore, all pledges need to be paid in full by then.